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In a nutshell.

Youth Converts Culture (YCC) is an education initiative founded by two Alabama educators, Daniel Whitt and Beth Sanders.  YCC began when the two found common ground over their beliefs about the potential power of technology to push education forward and to help youth engage with the world. YCC is attempting to radically change the mindset of the educational community by focusing all efforts on youth empowerment, specifically through digital communication.

We say it's "never about technology" but the truth is that our world is changing because of technology.  We can't use technology just for the sake of technology.  Modern technology is about connection.  We have two choices everyone: go global or go home.

YCC believes that empathy, student voice, and social awareness should drive instruction in the 21st Century.  We are passionately focused on constructing new, responsible, and engaging learning strategies designed to empower our youth to grow, communicate, and learn in a way that is congruent to who they are at their root: global citizens connected to the world as pioneering digital natives.


We facilitate partnerships to activate global citizens.

Copyright © 2013 Youth Converts Culture. Share us.

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